Base Products
Conditioner Base
Massage blends for aches & pains
Migraine and Headache Relief
Luxury Bath Oil
Carrier Oils
All Carrier Oils
Lightweight white plastic jars
Creams, Lotions & Gels
Creams and Gels
Hand and Body lotion
White Lotion Base
Essential Oils
Hydrosol-based products
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Organic Fragrant Waters
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Shampoos with Conditioners Speci
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Newsletter 2
The Lavender Story
Part 1 - An introduction to my research and this storyPart 2 - How scientists divide, name and classify life-forms
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Nutmeg ( Myristica fragrans )
Nutmeg; Myristica fragrans Extractiion is by steam or water distillation of the dried seed. odour - sweet, warm spicy History - a common domestic spice, used in pharmaceuticals, especially pain relieving preparations. Traditionally used with orange, or clove and orange, to perfume rooms and ward off infection - vapourise in the winter to recreate the smell of traditional pomanders. uses - invigorates and stimulates the mind in very small doses. Has been used in blends for arthritis, gout, muscular aches and pains, poor circulation and rheumatism; flatulence, indigestion and sluggish digestion. Blends with black peppeer, clary sage, clove, eucalyptus, geranium, ginger, lavender, madarin, orange, rosemary. The major constituents in our oil are available on request (GC/MS) Safety - generally non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitising. Large doses may be toxic (nausea, stupor and tachycardia)
Nutmeg ( Myristica fragrans )
Nutmeg; Myristica fragrans Extractiion is by steam or water distillation of the dried seed. odour - sweet, warm spicy History - a common domestic spice, used in pharmaceuticals, especially pain relieving preparations. Traditionally used with orange, or clove and orange, to perfume rooms and ward off infection - vapourise in the winter to recreate the smell of traditional pomanders. uses - invigorates and stimulates the mind in very small doses. Has been used in blends for arthritis, gout, muscular aches and pains, poor circulation and rheumatism; flatulence, indigestion and sluggish digestion. Blends with black peppeer, clary sage, clove, eucalyptus, geranium, ginger, lavender, madarin, orange, rosemary. The major constituents in our oil are available on request (GC/MS) Safety - generally non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitising. Large doses may be toxic (nausea, stupor and tachycardia)
5.00 ml £ 2.50 Add To Basket | 10.00 ml £ 3.95 Add To Basket | 50.00 ml £ 13.95 Add To Basket |