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Creams and Gels
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The Lavender Story
Part 1 - An introduction to my research and this storyPart 2 - How scientists divide, name and classify life-forms
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Orange ( Citrus sinensis )
Orange; Citrus sinensis Extraction is by cold pressing the fresh ripe or almost ripe peel Odour - sweet, fresh-fruity citrus History - a nutritious fruit containing vitamins A, B and C. Uses - in skin care it is used for dull and oily complexions; soothing to dry irritated or acne prone skin. Properties overlap to a large extent with neroli. Appears to heave a normalising effect on the peristaltic action of the intestines, so has been used for constipation and chronic diarrhoea. its warm, sunny and sweet aroma is helpful in dispersing moodiness and irritability; encouorages adaptability instils a positive attitude and a philosophical view of difficulties. Blended with lemon it is a useful mouthwash for ulcers and as a gum tonic. Blends with bergamot, clary sage, cypress, frankincense, geranium, juniper, lavender, neroli, and spice oils such as cinnamon and clove. The major constituents in our oil are available on request (GC/MS) Safety - generally non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitising.
Orange ( Citrus sinensis )
Orange; Citrus sinensis Extraction is by cold pressing the fresh ripe or almost ripe peel Odour - sweet, fresh-fruity citrus History - a nutritious fruit containing vitamins A, B and C. Uses - in skin care it is used for dull and oily complexions; soothing to dry irritated or acne prone skin. Properties overlap to a large extent with neroli. Appears to heave a normalising effect on the peristaltic action of the intestines, so has been used for constipation and chronic diarrhoea. its warm, sunny and sweet aroma is helpful in dispersing moodiness and irritability; encouorages adaptability instils a positive attitude and a philosophical view of difficulties. Blended with lemon it is a useful mouthwash for ulcers and as a gum tonic. Blends with bergamot, clary sage, cypress, frankincense, geranium, juniper, lavender, neroli, and spice oils such as cinnamon and clove. The major constituents in our oil are available on request (GC/MS) Safety - generally non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitising.
5.00 ml £ 1.85 Add To Basket | 10.00 ml £ 2.95 Add To Basket | 50.00 ml £ 8.95 Add To Basket |