Base Products
Conditioner Base
Massage blends for aches & pains
Migraine and Headache Relief
Luxury Bath Oil
Carrier Oils
All Carrier Oils
Lightweight white plastic jars
Creams, Lotions & Gels
Creams and Gels
Hand and Body lotion
White Lotion Base
Essential Oils
Hydrosol-based products
Skin Spritzers
Linen Waters
Organic Fragrant Waters
Shampoos and Conditioners
Shampoos with Conditioners Speci
Shower and Bath Gel
Essential Oil Burners
Useful Information
About ParabensNewsletter
Newsletter 2
The Lavender Story
Part 1 - An introduction to my research and this storyPart 2 - How scientists divide, name and classify life-forms
Geranium (Bourbon) ( Pelargonium graveolans )
Extraction is by steam distillation of the flowering tops.
Odour - sweet and heavy, a little like rose with a minty overtone.
History - Not the common geranium found in gardens. Bourbon geranium is considered the finest, and most expensive, oil.
Uses - considered an ideal oil for maintaining the bodies homeostasis. Its stimulating effect on the adrenal cortex has a regulatory affect on the hormonal system. As a result it is useful for treating PMS, menopausal problems. It stimulates the lymphatic system helping to relieve congestion, fluid retention and swollen ankles. It is useful oil for skin care to balance sebaceous secretions and keeping the skin supple. It is good for sluggish, congested and oily skin, acne, broken capillaries, dermatitis, eczema, mature skin, burns, wounds and ulcers. Its antibacterial properties make it a useful cleaning agent in the home, thus avoiding the use of environmentally damaging synthetic chemicals. It relaxes the mind, calms agitation and eases frustration and irritability; it helps settle a restless and scattered mind. The oil helps with reconnecting to emotional sensitivity, relaxed spontaneity.
Blends with - bergamot, citronella, clary sage, frankincense, grapefruit, lavender, lime, rosemary, ylang-ylang.
Safety - non-toxic, non-irritant, and generally non-sensitising.
5.00 ml £ 3.30 Add To Basket | 10.00 ml £ 5.50 Add To Basket | 50.00 ml £ 20.50 Add To Basket |